Hotel Casa de la Palma
The three levels of the mansion make evident that it was built in the XVIII century
Local Time: °C Monday 17 of February Contact Español
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Historia Del Hotel Casa De La Palma

Its name comes from pious symbols embodied in the argamase, among them “the palm of glory”, characteristic of the Virgin Mary.

The three levels of the mansion make evident that it was built in the XVIII century, combined quarry, good gypsum kiln with good taste and fine intermingled work called “petalillo”.

It’s located in the street 3 oriente 217, in Puebla City, just one block from the Cathedral and four blocks from the Business Center, also you can find Talavera´s industry, Mexican handicrafts, museums, exhibition halls and different restaurants very near.


Casa de la Palma started Operating in October 2007, giving lodging to the cast of the movie "Arrancame la vida", the historic center was taken as the location and our hotel was host to all the staff actors during movie recording.

Hugo Leicht in his book ‘Las Calles de Puebla’ (The Streets of Puebla) mentions that in the year of 1697 a house was built under the name ‘la Palma’. According to Cerón Zapata (1714), the property used to belong to María de Ortega, widow of Francisco Álvarez. She was member of San Francisco’s third order and used to host poor people that came from Spain until they found a place of their own. The house holds its name since 1740.

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3 Oriente 213 Centro Histórico Puebla, Puebla.México.                             Teléfonos. (01 222) 2 42 68 04 / 2 32 23 42                           Email:
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